Jun 27, 2010

Consignment Shops - Great Way to Make a Little Extra Money!

Need to make a little extra money? Have a lot of clothing that you don't wear anymore? One way to make a little extra cash this summer is to bag up the clothing, shoes, and handbags you don't use anymore and take them to a consignment shop. The way consignment shops work is that you bring your cleanly washed items to a store and sign a contract (you are usually given a customer number). The contract will explain what percentage of the $ made on the items sold you will be able to re-coup. Normally consignment shops pay 30-40% of the price of your sold items. If you are lucky, you may find rates as high as 50%. The shop will take care of displaying your goodies and will keep track of how much money you make on your items.

I've consigned many items in the past. When my husband and I moved to Texas, I took 6 huge trashbags worth of goodies to a shop in VA and made over $600 (and that was with a 50% consignment rate. This little bit of extra dough helped us with our moving expenses.


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